2006. wow. I've learned so much both professionally and personally...
As this year comes to a close, I'd like to say 'Thank You' for entrusting me to capture some of the best parts of life...and reminding just how sweet it is...
CHEERS to a fabulous 2007!
'Thank You'
Sweet Charity...part II
Feel like being inspired?
Then check out the Make a Wish Foundation ® website.
This is an amazing organization that grants wishes to children with life threatening medical conditions and gives them an opportunity to live out their wildest dreams. When you log on you can read lots more about them and find ways that you might be able to participate. I love this one idea where you can make non-cash donations by donating your airline miles for families to travel. ::Click here::to donate your unused miles and help fulfill a wish!
Now you know how I met this family... through their donation to the MAWF gala and fundraiser. I so enjoyed meeting this little cutie who was full of big smiles!
Here are some favorites...
So, I know I am biased here, but I can't believe how way too cute these guys are...my niece and nephew! They are getting so big and losing their baby faces...I wish I could freeze them and remember all the cute, funny, silly things that come out of their mouths forever... although it is very exciting to see them grow into little people with such personality and ideas...
Sweet Charity...part I
I met this family because of a gala and silent auction I donated to recently celebrating the 15th anniversary of Outdoor Explorations. This organization is committed to bringing the possibilities of the outdoors to disabled kids and adults. I was able to attend the event and I loved hearing all the inspirational stories from participants, who at one time or another thought because of their disability, the fun and freedom of the outdoors were off limits. It was a goose bump filled night!
This was a great shoot...I think every parent would want their almost-teenage daughter to have the spunk and confidence of this girl...and every son to be as charming and good natured as this one...